Assessments: We use the PCL-5-M (Weathers et. al., 2013) which is administered at intake and monthly throughout treatment. The PCL-5 is used to determine if PTSD symptoms are currently affecting functioning in the past month. This is a 20 item assessment of PTSD criterion according to DSM-5 (APA, 2013) avoidance, intrusive thoughts, negative alterations in cognition or mood, alterations in mood or arousal, and a clinically significant distress caused by the event. Scoring is 0-80 with a score 33 or above indicating a potential diagnosis of PTSD (Weathers, 2013). A change of 10 points is considered a clinically significant change, and a change of 5-10 points is considered a reliable, not due to chance, change (Weathers et al., 2013). The PCL-5-M has a high Cronbachs alpha of .96. (Koenig, 2018).
The Moral Injury Symptom Scale short form (MISS-M-SF) is used to assess Moral Injury symptoms including changes in spirituality. The MISS-M-SF is a self-completed 10 question assessment covering the 10 subscales of the MISS-M: guilt, shame, moral concerns, religious struggles, loss of religious faith/hope, loss of meaning/ purpose, difficulty forgiving, loss of trust, and self-condemnation (Koenig et al., 2018). Scoring is 10-100. The MISS-M-SF measures MI symptoms and can be used to measure changes during treatment (Koenig, 2018). A score above 8 on an item should be addressed in treatment. The MISS-M-SF is one of the only assessments that track both psychological and spiritual and religious expressions of MI (Koenig et al., 2018). The MISS-M-SF has a Cronbachs alpha of .92 (Koenig et al,.2018)
Tailwinds Ranch Rest and Recovery Center
Williamsburg, Virginia, United States
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